About Us

Welcome to the D-Rob Cares Foundation, a distinguished non-profit organization committed to the advancement of youth development, education, and well-being. Our esteemed Founder, Dan Robinson Sr., has an unwavering dedication to public service, which initially took shape during his service in the military immediately after completing high school. Following a distinguished twenty-seven-year career as a law enforcement agent, he chose to extend his service in a different capacity by founding the D-Rob Cares Foundation.

Our overarching mission is to exert a positive influence on the community through the principles of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. We firmly believe that every individual should have equal opportunities for success, irrespective of their background, and we are resolutely focused on fostering an environment that is inclusive and welcoming to all. Our commitment to championing diversity and equity is evident throughout all facets of our operations, from our program offerings to our strategic partnerships.

Recognizing the pivotal roles that education and well-being play in the growth and prosperity of our youth, the D-Rob Cares Foundation extends an array of programs tailored to support their advancement in these domains. From comprehensive after-school initiatives to mentorship opportunities, our overarching objective is to furnish a secure and nurturing environment where young individuals can acquire knowledge, flourish, and prosper.

We take immense pride in the transformative impact we have already achieved within our community, and we are enthusiastic about the continued pursuit of our mission in the forthcoming years. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for visiting our website, and we kindly invite you to contemplate contributing to the realization of our noble cause.